CMIC highlights

Being invited by the NSW Chinese medicine council, president Max Ma participated a stakeholders meeting of the Chinese Medicine Profession to discuss Regulation in NSW and the issues affecting regulators and practitioners. During the meeting, CMIC raised a point that according to the objective of the National law, the role of the regulators are not only to protect the public safety, but also including facilitating access to health services, and developing a flexible, responsive and sustainable health workforce. There had been a range of issues that could impact the sustainability of the workforce and need to be addressed and resolved.

CMIC accepted WSU’s invitation to supporting and participating its Chinese Medicinal Herbs Local Cultivation R & D programme under Australian Research Council (ARC).

On behalf of CMIC, the president Max Ma visited Dr Cheryl McRae, Director of Complementary and OTC branch, at TGA’s new office building with a briefing of issues the industry faced.

CMIC sought a confirmation from the NSW Chinese medicine council that if unvaccinated practitioners /workers can back to work now without any restrictions in NSW since the Public Health (COVID-19 Care Services) Order (No 3) 2022 ended at 11.59pm on 30 November 2022, and the answer was yes.

Declined an invitation from a Joint-research under ARC from a PhD programme of the Western Australia University for endangered species of wild flora and fauna used in TCM because of the grounds that no such issues or phenomenon found in the industry. CMIC always call on members to follow the CITES rule and guide.

CMIC Board meeting was held via Zoom.

CMIC lodged a submission to respond for the targeted consultation from the AHPRA on how Ahpra and the National Boards propose to use the new power to issue public statements.

Prof Yifan Yang and Dr Max Ma participated a reference group meeting held by the CMBA, during which major challenges and problems the industry faced were raised verbally, including concerns on the revised guideline for the safe practice of Chinese herbal medicines.

CMIC participated a joint-CPD seminar with FCMA , wide range of topics were involved including clinical practice for quality, safety and efficacy of key herbs.

CMIC signed up a joint MoU with Australian key TCM associations and educators for developing a strategic plan and establishing a working group for giving the TCM a fair go to be included into Medicare covered Chronic Diseases Management (CDM) programme.

CMIC held 2nd round of CPD online education and training seminar. Dr Rose Chen shared her extensive clinical experiences on dose-efficacy related issues, while Dr Ma gave a full interpretation via bilingual on the professional capacities requirement.

CMIC board meeting was held on- line for some urgent issues.

CMIC board meeting was held off-line in Sydney Chinatown.

Vice President Gary Wu and Max Ma attended the Reference group meeting held by the CMBA in Sydney. Concerns were raised for the proposed plan to enforce those practitioners registered under Grand-parenting scheme with English language conditions to make clinical record in English rather than allowing to be translated into English when requested.

On behalf of CMIC, President Max Ma wrote an official letter to the president of RMIT expressing the concerns for the discontinuance of the bachelor degree course of Chinese medicine, and requested the reconsideration of the decision.

Based on the TGA’s courtesy notification, CMIC informed members for the new label waring statement requirement for complementary medicine containing Artemisia species, especially A. annua. (Qing Hao).

CMIC 3rd round CPD course was help online, Dr Margaret Wu and Prof GC Li shared their insight respectively for TCM on carcinoma management and Herb-Drug interactions.

CMIC lodged submission to AHPRA for the targeted consultation on how Ahpra and the National Boards propose to use the new power to issue interim prohibition orders (IPOs). CMIC support the move for non-registered practitioners, but cautions and higher threshold should be exercised for registered practitioners.

CMIC held the first offline general meeting after pandemic including CPD on hot topics, industrial award announcement, and peer interactions at the Auburn club, Sydney.

Based on the experience and outcomes of rescheduling applications for Amygdalin and Zhi Fu Zi, CMIC’s president Max Ma wrote to other TCM key associations suggesting little possibility exists for the scheduling “experts” to consider S1 to be allocated to TCM practitioners only for the access of Zhi Fu Zi. Instead, the industry should follow the current standard by reducing the concentrated granules’ pack with stringent quality assay process to ensure the supplies are below the S2 threshold of 0.02mg of Total Alkaloids per pack.

CMIC informed other associations for the definition of the total alkaloids based on what the CMIC received from the TGA on 23/9/2021. This is the crucial step to avoid misunderstandings on the standard.

CMIC received CMBA’s notification and passed it to all members regarding the AHPRA’s position to facilitating access to care for Covid-19 patients. National Boards expect all health practitioners to facilitate access to care regardless of someone’s vaccination status. People cannot be denied care if steps can be taken to keep the person, health practitioners and their staff safe.

CMIC supported “ the Global TCM virtual choir project” hosted by The Western Sydney University to encourage colleagues working together and playing a more important role in helping the pandemic sufferers worldwide.

CMIC’s board meeting was held via zoom. The meeting discussed the consultation paper on “Public consultation on Guidelines on safe Chinese herbal medicine practice and Guidelines on infection prevention and control for acupuncture and related practices” and reached a consensus on CMIC’s positions.

CMIC lodged its written submission to the CMBA regarding the issues found on the proposed revision for the Guideline for the safe practice of Chinese herbal medicines.

CMIC wrote to the AHPRA’s reference group FCMA recommending to include a topic to AHPRA to seek their position and action plan since WHO has officially announced what the TCM treatment outcomes are with the Covid.

Co-working with the FCMA, CMIC participated a half-day CPD program with members including a topic with regard to the insight and interpretation of the toxicology of Chinese medicines from the perspective of both the theory and practice.

CMIC lodged an urgent submission to the BioSecurity Office seeking urgent clarification on the issue related to the Phytosanitary Certification Requirements for other-risk plant products to protect against khapra beetle.

President Max Ma wrote an office email to the Hong Kong SAR Government seeking a waiver of the mandatory fumigation requirement for goods export from HK to Australia on issuing the additional statement in Phytosanitary Certificate because of the khapra beetle.

CMIC received the final decision of accepting CMIC’s request from the Senior Field Officer of Plant Quarantine / Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department HKSARG.

President Max Ma and Vice President Gary Wu participated the CMBA-CMIC zoom meeting regarding the possible agendas concerning the CMIC for the next Board – Association joint meeting. Two issues were identified and raised: the privileges of registered Chinese herbal dispensers and the unverified expiry date on bulk herbal ingredients labels.

The founding director Karl Qing Ye resigned as a director due to his commitment in overseas.

CMIC held another CPD program. Dr Yan Li gave a presentation on Professional capabilities for Chinese medicine practitioners, as well as AHPRA’s newly revised Code of Conduct.

CMIC’s CPD course was held, Prof Yifan Yang gave an insight sharing on his experiences on how TCM helped relieving the symptoms of covid affected patients whilst Prof Chunguang Li gave the education on Pharmacology and the TCM Herbal Pharmacology followed by the AGM.

TGA replied the CMIC via email and declined the CMIC’s submission and its position paper for the proposed removal of the permissible ingredient Fallopia multiflora root ( He Shou Wu) and stem ( Ye Jiao Teng) in ARTG. CMIC’s effort to maintain the very useful TCM ingredients to serve the public health while protective methods and safe practice approaches being arranged in place were not properly recognised. Sponsors were forced to initiate a recall for products that even contain very tiny amount of those ingredients which were legitimately approved by the regulator as a permissible ingredients for many decades when the products were approved for supply, but nobody holds accountability for these vast lost and damages as a result of recalls. This issue draws a serious attention to the industry and needs to be further discussed and investigated in terms of the legislative level.

TGA consulted CMIC for the proposal to remove the ingredient Gynura japonica (Tu San Qi) from the Permissible Ingredients Determination and may include it into S10 of SUSMP. CMIC supported this decision due to the potential confusions and misuse by some people with San Qi (Notoginseng ) which is significant important and safe for use while Tu San Qi or Ju San Qi that naturally contains Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) which are not safe and less benefits.

After intense internal discussions and preparation, the Chinese medicine working group comprising 4 associations headed by Dr Sherman Gu lodged another submission to the scheduling committee for the comments of the evaluation report for our submission.

The CMIC director Tony Reid retired and quitted his position from the Board. The Board expressed thanks to his great contributions made to the TCM industry during the past years and appointed Dr Sining Luo as a new director subject to reconfirmation in the incoming AGM.

The scheduling committee announced a final decision not to accept the down-scheduling proposal for Amygdalin and HCN as what CMIC officially submitted.

CMIC sent the declined decision to all industrial associations for awareness, and hope receive peer’s review and comments. This attracted many professional’s response, insight and support, among which constructive views are including FCMA, Dr Jason Xin, and Dr Robin Marchment, etc.

12 /3 /2021
After consulted with CMIC ‘s independent and professional consultant together with the industrial major sponsors, CMIC re-submitted a revised application for the rescheduling of Amygdalin and HCN by maintaining the current schedule s10 and s4 with an exemption of daily dose NMT 5mg and o.3mg respectively for those herbs naturally contained such components used in TCM paradigm. The proposed exemption limits represent up to 100 times less than the toxic threshold based on an independent toxicologist study report.

CMIC board meeting was held via zoom due to Covid infections concerns. There were some decisions made including extra incentives to senior members and CPD presenters. It was also resolved CMIC’s website to be reconstructed to keep with today’s technology and browsers compatibility while GST clarification to be sought for some TCM ingredients mainly consumed as healthcare food rather therapeutics.

The CMIC secretariat office identified there is a $22.00 ongoing bank monthly charge for the SUSMP special account (ANZ Account # 419876343) which was opened for monitor the relative project only. Since the raised funds was not sufficient to cover the application cost, reserved funds was used instead, hence not necessary to keep it with a running cost. The account was closed.

Weekend zoom meeting was held for the discussion of the CMIC new site. The Web builder Cathy He, President Max Ma and the Secretariat office Emily Hung, Emma Zhang attended the meeting.

Together with AACMA and CMASA, CMIC supported FCMA’s submission to the Chief Allied health Officer (CAHO) to restore the TCM status as an allied health profession.

CMIC received legal advice and clarification from the Lawyer James Hui confirming non-GST should apply on the importation and retail of Chong Cao and eJiao for food and soap usage subject to proper labelling compliances being met.

Based on the Board resolution, CMIC secretariat office completed the program guideline for the TCM Industry Award 2020-2021.

TGA website released their interim decision which declined the Joint submission on Zhi Fu Zi by the four TCM associations namely FCMA, CMIC, AACMA and CMASA.

CMIC received formal notification that the CMBA Chair Prof Danforn Lim and EO Sylvia Sanders met with the representative from the Chief Allied Health Office (CAHO), and confirmed that Chinese medicine profession had now been listed as an allied health in the website of the ministry of health. This issued was finally resolved. CMIC appreciated the CMBA’s material effort and approach.

After intense works led by Dr Sherman Gu of FCMA, the working group of four associations submitted a feedback and revised version for the interim decision on Zhi Fu Zi rescheduling.

The scheduling committee’s a final decision of “not to make changes of the aconitum spp” was received by the working group. The efforts to make the availability of Zhi Fu Zi to serve the public health by using the TCM’s wisdom, technologies and safety experiences were sadly not accepted at the end.

CMIC website reconstruction meeting was held on weekend. The secretariat office and the web builder contributed further time and finally completed the project with a satisfactory outcome.

Dr Max Ma was invited and attended the Zoom meeting held by the WSU External Advisory Committee for Traditional Chinese Medicine course curricular matters.

President Dr Max Ma wrote to the Scheduling Committee under the Ministry of Health Department seeking an official clarification and interpretation on the calculation of content of the total alkaloids for products containing Aconitum spp. A quick response received on 23/9/2021 from The Chemicals and Medicines Scheduling Secretariat Team of Scheduling and Committee Support Section, confirming “ the sum of the content of aconitine, mesaconitine and hypaconitine is used to calculate “total alkaloids” for the purposes of reporting these results”. This could lead to a breakthrough of legitimate supply for those concentrated granules which could potentially demonstrate the quality compliance under the SUSMP via qualified COA proof. According to SUSMP No. 33, June 2021, Aconitum spp. are scheduled unless content of Total Alkaloids is less than 0.02mg per pack.

President Dr Max Ma and Vice president Mr Gary Wu attended the CMBA’s zoom meeting, during which CMIC’s proposal on TCM involvement on Covid disaster and CMBA’s endorsement pathway for access of scheduled herbs was tabled and discussed.

CMIC “ TCM Industrial Award” Assessment meeting was held via zoom. Acuneeds Australia, Chinese Ginsengs & Herbs Co, and Winner Trading were awarded as the Outstanding Supplies in Chinese Medicine; Cathay Herbal was awarded as the Outstanding Influence in Chinese Medicine; Beijing Tong Ren Tang Australia was awarded as the Outstanding Contributions in Chinese medicine.

CMIC received the Scheduling Committee notice that CMIC’s 2nd submission for the rescheduling of Amygdalin and HCN were declined again. CMIC’s view is that the justification of continued rejection was very weak and groundless and further communication and submissions may be required.

On 18/10/2021
Dr Max Ma wrote an email to TGA seeking clarifications for heavy metal standard for other dosage forms except those specified in TGO 101. On 19/10/2021, TGA replied the CMIC via email as below: ”As you are also aware that the Q3D does not apply to ‘Herbal Products’. As from 1 July 2009, the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Chapter 1, section 3) refers to default standards. ‘Default standard’ means any of the British Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia and United States Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary. Therefore, the relevant requirements specified in the BP general notices for herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations should apply to the rest of dosage forms of herbal products where no TGO are available.”

This year’s 5th CPD course and CMIC AGM were held on line via zoom. Dr Jian Jiang presented her insight for how TCM could help with Delta caused symptoms and residual effects. Meanwhile the TCM Industry Award Winners 2020-2021 was announced and celebrated.

Intensive research on Amygdalin and HCN associated with Xing Ren was completed, and reached an internal consensus for the proposed limit for the rescheduling application to the Scheduling Committee of SUSMP.

CMIC wrote a letter to CMBA asking for the government policy for distributing face masks to TCM practitioners who are also in the front line with patients and was directed to the federal department of health’s website where indicated only available to primary health care workers.

CMIC encouraged members to attend the FREE virtual seminar held by the TGA & CHP Australia for the new Advertising Obligations & Liabilities.

CMIC made a final revision on the draft of the proposed wholesales code of herbal products supply.

Max Ma attended the online RG meeting of the CMBA, and discussed some issues associated with the agreed wholesale code for the supply of herbal products to registered Chinese medicine practitioners.

A consensus with external consultant for the strategy and previsions for the submission of the rescheduling Amygdalin and HCN.

A letter from the TGA to respond CMIC’s request on 16/4/2020 that reduction of annual charges of TCM products due to Covid-19 was declined because it was out of their jurisdiction. An industrial working group is formed to prepare a submission of rescheduling of Zhi Fu Zi which was currently scheduled as S2 and S4 under Aconitum spp. The WG includes FCMA, AACMA, CMIC and CMASA.

CMIC finalised the draft submission of Amygdalin /HCN to the scheduling committee of SUSMP.

CMIC zoom seminar for CPD topics including: 1) CMBA regulatory update for Chinese medicine practice 2) TGA regulatory update for Chinese herbal medicines  3) How to practice safely during the coronavirus pandemic 4) Versional identification techniques for some easy-to-confuse decoction pieces.

Professional consultation for the latest research and findings on the safety of Fallopia Multiflora (He Shou Wu) from both overseas and local scholars, and got a good response and data.

CMIC lodged a formal submission to the TGA for the position of he shou wu / ye jiao teng.

Max Ma circulated CMIC’s research data and findings to the TCM community including CMBA for awareness and updates of He Shou Wu, and more importantly for the proper usage direction and avoidance of possible HILIs.

CMIC held 2nd Zoom seminar for topics including 1) TCM approaches for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu in Australia 2) Clinical experience for the health of bones and joints in Australia 3) The recent studies and findings of Fallopia multiflora (He Shou Wu) induced liver injuries and how to prevent it in clinical applications.

CMIC held 3rd CPD virtual seminar for topics including 1) Clinical differentiations and treatment on female infertility 2) How to apply the TCM healthcare ideologies to the consumer during the pandemic 3) the proposed revision of the safety guideline for TCM practice and its implications.

CMIC lodged the preliminary consultation response to the CMBA with regard to the proposed revision of the guideline for safe practice of Chinese herbal medicines.

CMIC held 4th CPD virtual seminar for topics including TCM diagnosis and treatment for IBS and how TCM could help Alzheimer’s disease.

CMIC attended the RG zoom meeting held by the CMBA, and expressed the concern for the unreasonable restriction for He Shou Wu and Ye Jiao Teng imposed by the TGA. CMIC’s position is a matter of management rather totally removal from the ARTG and resulted a huge loss for innocent sponsors, particularly during the hard time of covid-19.

CMIC worked closely with other WG members and finally convinced to amend the draft rescheduling provisions to change to Aconitum spp. and restricted to be used in TCM only.

The final submission of rescheduling proposal of Wu Tou Shu (aconitum spp.) to the scheduling committee of SUSMP was lodged by the 4 TCM associations.

CMIC held 5th CPD virtual seminar for topics including “Evidence-based Quality-Assurance for the development of traditional medicine products” and “the TCM role in fighting the coronavirus”. Virtual AGM via zoom was held.


Max Ma was invited by the TGA and went to Canberra participating an Industry consultation meeting regarding the new TGO 101 for the standard of tablets, capsules and pills. For physical aspects, particularly disintegration limit while honey or herbal extracts involved in the TCM dosage form, CMIC recommended to keep in line with that of CP 2015.

07/10/ 2019
Max Ma had a meeting with Dr Chery McRae, Head of Complementary and OTC branch, together with related officers for the issue of heavy metal standard and seek understanding of the characteristics of TCM products, and expressed CMIC’s concerns if TGA adopts USP 2232 limits, especially it will disadvantage the TCM Pills when large daily dose required for clinical efficacy.

CMIC participated UWS TCM external advisory meeting in Campbelltown campus.

CMIC board meeting for industry updates and discussed concerned issues of Amygdalin /HCN, and decided to raise fund to engage a professional consultant for the down-schedule project.

It was a due day for industry consultation submission for TGO 101, and CMIC lodged official submission.

HE031 under ISO/TC249 was held.

TGA release new TGO 101, and granted two years transitional period. But CMIC not happy with the Heavy metal limit for Pills and disintegration time for tablets/capsule if concentrated extract were involved the process. Max wrote an email to TGA and expressed CMIC’s view.

CMC NSW industry consultation meeting was held in Sydney, Max Ma and Steven Yick attended on behalf of CMIC.

CMIC board meeting was held and based on Tony’s report of quotes, a final decision was made for the Amygdalin /HCN project.

CMBA industry consultation meeting was held in Sydney, Max Ma participated and expressed CMIC’s view. Extra bank account was open with ANZ for Amygdalin project fund raising, monitoring and auditing.

CMIC sent invitation for fund raising notice to Australian 5 major TCM associations including AACMA, CMASA, FCMA, ATMS, ANTA and asked for support and help in their member’s circulation.

CMIC CPD course was delivered in Sydney.

CMIC CPD course conducted in Sydney

HE031 under ISO/TC249 was held.

CMIC board meeting was held.

AUCM Representatives including CMIC vice president Gary Wu visited Gladys Liu MP for the current discriminated CDM issue and hope she could raise this unfair issue to the Federal government or the parliament.

Consultant preliminary report received for amygdalin/HCN, and pending for next step decision and fund availability.

CMIC annual CPD course and AGM was held.

As a committee member,Max Ma raised the concerns and opposed for draft standards for some of Chinese Materia Medica in relating to the proposed storage condition of below 20 Celsius or 25 Celsius degrees with a maximum shelf life of 36 months from the whole supply chain from CMM to Yin Pian.

Dr Yifang Yang and Dr Max Ma received a TV interview in SITCM from Chanel 7 for comments on today's newspaper heading - "Doctors horrified by bizarre TGA list (of indications)",and followed by giving them a 9 points of CMIC position.

Max Ma participated HE031 meeting under ISO/TC 249 for the standardization of TCM.

CMIC board meeting was held in Sydney.

CMIC CPD course was held in SITCM.

CMIC received TGA's response of appreciation for comprehensive TCM permissible indications list,and further clarification of criteria of inclusion.

Max Ma participated "The Theme Day of Chinese medicine service and the Overseas Chinese medicine Forum" in Beijing,and presented a speech.

An casual meeting with A/Prof CG Li for the possibility of collaboration with NICM in quality monitoring and assay of CHM products in Australia,aiming to promote the positive image and confidence of TCM products suppliers.

CMIC CPD course was given in SITCM.

CMIC Board meeting was held in Sydney,and Director Gary Wu was promoted as the Vice President of CMIC.

Max Ma participated 3rd CMBA Reference Group meeting in Melbourne,and given an industry update and proposal for applicable code of Good Wholesaling Practice for prospected Ma Huang and Fu Zi.

CMIC requested CMBA to unify the Chinese title for Chinese herbal dispenser.

Held a meeting with regulation Manager and Director of Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) for the concerns and issues that TCM industry faced.

Max Ma representing CMIC attended the first CMBA Reference Group meeting in Melbourne,and at the meeting Mr Ma raised the Top 5 barrier issues for the Chinese medicine supply and Top 5 barrier issues for the Chinese medicine practice in Australia.

Max Ma and SL Tam attended a welcome meeting in Sydney for Mdm Qiu yuanping,Top Official of the Overseas Chinese office of China National Council and reported the major issues /problems the TCM industry faced.

Max Ma and Gary Wu,representing CMIC attended the TGA industrial consultation workshop for the new reform of complementary medicines and devices. At the meeting,CMIC was assigned to draft and submit a proposal for the new pathway for the intermediate level of indication of products from the TCM perspective.

Max Ma representing CMIC attended the official banquet for receiving Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

A joint farewell function for Counsellor Jin Zhiyong under the name of CMIC,CMASA,and FCMA NSW and a warm welcome for Counsellor LU Ping.

CMIC CPD seminar was held in SITCM.

CMIC CPD seminar was held in SITCM.

Max Ma received a visit and survey from Commercial and Economic Counsellor Mdm Wang Hongbo and her team members. During the meeting,Mr Ma shared the views of CMIC on major issues that the TCM industry faced and suggested it would be better and more efficient if there is a regular government to government talks and address the particular issues and find solutions to the difficulties the industry encountered to benefit both countries. CMIC would be happy to provide a professional consultation on a fair basis.

CMIC board meeting was held in Sydney.

Max Ma attended the 2nd CMBA Reference group meeting in Sydney for the current status of quality control in terms of CMM and Decoction pieces (Yin Pian) from overseas to Australian market,and urged the issue of scheduled herbs Ma Huang and Fu Zi should be listed on the CMBA's agenda for application of re-scheduling for the access by registered Chinese medicine practitioners,as well as in listed medicines for practitioners use.

Max Ma participated an expanded consultation meeting hosted by the CMBA in Melbourne,and reached an agreement from various TCM associations in one voice to prepare an official proposal by the involvement of all participating associations including CMIC for the access of Ma Huang and Fu Zi.

On behalf of CMIC,Max Ma participated a routine tele-conference with members of HE-031,ISO/TC 249 for the standardization of TCM matter.

CMIC AGM and full day CPD course was held in Sydney.

Max Ma met with Dr L. Fang,researcher and educator of Nanjing University of TCM for the matter of preparing and translating of CMIC's submission relating to the TGA consultation on "permissible indications for listed medicines" which was scheduled to close on 31/10/17.

On behalf of CMIC,Max Ma drafted the specific re-scheduling proposal for the wordings of S1 and adopted by the drafting committee as an Appendix to the overall submission to CMBA.

CMIC President Max Ma and Director Mr Gary Wu went to Shanghai for the nearly 5000 TCM people's gathering and development forum,during which Mr Ma gave a presentation to the international delegates for Australian TCM market and regulations for listed medicine and was elected and appointed as the Vice Chairman of the "World Federation of Chinese Medicine Trade service".

After consultation and collaboration with experts from Fujian University of Traditional Medicine and Nanjing University of Traditional Medicine,Dr Max Ma lodged the CMIC submission to TGA for the comprehensive indications based on various TCM pattern differentiations combined with body locations.

CMIC Scientific advisor Prof Daniel Sze and Legal Advice James Hui,on behalf of CMIC,lodged a submission to TGA on "Consultation: Business process improvements supporting complementary medicines assessment pathways".

On behalf of CMIC,President Max Ma and Vice President Yifan Yang attended the signing ceremony at USW TCM Centre collaborated between NICM and CACMS.

President max ma was interviewed by TVB Australia for the above issue,and made further clarifications.

(Second day of Chinese new year),Max Ma,SL Tam and Tony Reid flied to Canberra to meet the TGA National Manager John Skerritt and his team (total 5 delegates) for CMIC concerns on some key issues: ACE (annual charge exemption) replacing LVT scheme resulting triple increase of annual cost for listed Chinese medicines; new request to declaring "Thujone" and "Coumarin"; proposed to de-list "guan zhong" and "xiang jia pi" from permissible ingredients list.

CMIC held a meeting with consulate Jin zhiyong in the consulate-general of the people's republic of China in Sydney showing CMIC's concerns for the new challenges and unnecessary barriers.

CMIC released a public letter against the ABC released news alleging more than 50% of CHM are unqualified,and stating the study was unqualified and unconvincing due to over 65% samples assayed were illegal products.

CMIC held a top level meeting with AACMA in UTS,CMIC Max Ma,AACMA CEO Charles Hardy,AACMA director Kerry Watson ,A/prof Chris Zaslawski (Observer) presented and shared a view on how could together promote the quality TCM practice in Australia.

A meeting with UTS researcher for the basic criteria of TGA listing products against research data/findings.

CMIC hosted a TCM business summit between Australia and China,delegated by a team of 28 industrial experts from China Chamber of commerce for import & export of medicines and health products.

Participating CMBA's roadshow in Sydney for safe practice of Chinese medicine.

CMIC co-hosting an educational CPD seminar in Ashfied for using manufactured Chinese herbal medicines.

Participating an opening ceremony of "Australian Chinese medicine centre",co-founded by UWS and BUCM.

CMIC hosted a full day CPD seminar with AGM for new guideline of safe practice of Chinese medicine,new guideline of health record,and training of pinyin for meeting compulsory requirement of writing herbal names in prescriptions. A panel discussion /debate on "do you agree the concern that Chinese medicine practice will die from Chinese herbal medicine?"

Dr. Max Ma, President of CMIC,was appointed as a Reference Group Member of CMBA.

Invited by "China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines and Health Products",Dr Max Ma,on behalf of CMIC,went to Guangzhou China Export Commodity Trade Fair and gave a presentation for Australian legislations and regulatory framework in relation to the listed Chinese medicine in Australia.

CMIC board meeting decided to prepare a submission to TGA as invited on Complementary Medicine system review and adopted the Code of Ethics for Chinese medicine industry of Australia: "Customer Centered,honest and careful,being fair in trade,prevent counterfeit,good communication and respect fellow traders"

CMIC lodged submission to TGA for the review of Australian Complementary medicine system and made 9 recommendations.

As invited,Dr Jeff Song,representing CMIC president to give a talk on how herbal medicines to be registered and listed in Australia to Jilin Hi-tech delegates at economic and commercial office of Sydney conciliate ?Cgeneral of the PRC.

81. 20/5/15,Together with CMBA,FCMA,CMIC Director Gary Wu attended the face-to-face discussion in Melbourne held by the TGA for the submissions lodged.

Max Ma wrote a letter to TGA expressing the concerns for the newly proposed ACE (Annual Charge Exemption) scheme.

Max Ma had a phone discussion with CMA (CHC) regulatory manager to raise CMIC concerns for the ACE.

CMIC board meeting decided to lodge comprehensive submission against the ACE scheme which is not fair for CM industry and imposed a threat for the product availability and affordability.

Immediate after board meeting,Max Ma visited community leader H. Chen to seek advice and support for the ACE issue.

Max Ma was invited by CMBA to give further consultation on the revised draft guideline for safe practice of Chinese medicine in Australia.

a meeting with CMIC legal advisor and Chinese community leader S. Wong was held to discuss the strategy and major points for the submission on ACE.

Max Ma had a meeting with Australian Self-medication Industry (ASMI) regulatory Director and Technical Manager to report the difficulties & challenges that Chinese medicine industry faced from the ACE scheme and seek understanding and support.

board meeting to discuss the position on CMBA's draft guideline on health record keeping,and finalised the upcoming CPD training topics,approved Y15 financial report and the agenda of AGM 2015.

CMIC legal adviser issued a letter to the TGA with further information and evidences for the need to review the ACE scheme and seek appropriate solutions.

CMIC lodged a submission ti the CMBA for the draft guideline of health record keeping.

A whole day CPD seminar with 8 hot topics was held in Marigold,Sydney together with AGM 2015.

At 280 pitt st,Sydney,CMIC hosted a CMBA meeting with industrial representatives including Max Ma,President of CMIC ,Dr Kevin Chang,president of NSW Chinese medicine association,Rose Chan,president of ATCMA,Jack Jianhua Zheng,President of CMASA. Debra Gillick and Dr Anne Fletcher of CMBA gave a final discussion about the guideline of safe practice of Chinese medicine in Australia.

Receiving the CATCM delegation of 18 people headed by Fang shuting and held a " International exchange and cooperation of Chinese medicine (Australia) Forum. Max Ma,Mr Tran,Dr Yifanyang,Mr SL Tam,Jenny Tong,Stephen Yick,Jeff Song presented for CMIC ,Dr Kevin Chang,and Vice President Jerry MinXing Xie representing NSW association of TCM.

Max Ma representing CMIC attended the Medicine and Medical device Review Meeting hosted by the Ministry of Health in CBD campus of UNSW from 10 am to 4 pm. This is to discuss the 2nd draft plan for the reform of Australian regulatory system for Complementary medicines.

ABC release shocking news that a study from 4 universities revealed 50% of Chinese herbal medicine in Australia cannot meet the Australian standard,90% are not fit for human consumption. Immediately CMIC consulted its scientific advisors and found errors and mis-leadings exist in the study,and found that out of 26 samples tested,17 were illegal products.

CMIC release an official announcement stating the fact we found in the media.

CMIC lodge 2nd submission to TGA on coded indication reform.

CMIC lodge submission paper to CMBA on preliminary consultation for proposed guidelines on safe practice of Chinese medicines.

Max Ma attended tele-conference with HE 031 under ISO/TC 249 for the international standard of Chinese medicine.

After several times consultation with legal adviser James Hui and accountant Raymond Luo,CMIC lodged tax return 14 April 2014 for previous years and all cleared with ATO.

On behalf of CMIC,Gary Wu attended the preparation conference in Shanghai for world federation of Chinese medicine dealers.

As the proxy of Max Ma,Mr Gary Wu attended the tele-conference of HE 013 under ISO/TC 249 for international standards of Chinese medicines.

As proxy of Max Ma Ms Brigitte Linder attended the tele-conference of HE 031 under ISO/TC 249 for the international standards of Chinese medicines.

Attending CMBA seminar in UTS seeking clarification for one issue raised by CMIC members that if Profession Indemnity Insurance (PII) could be replaced by company public liability insurance for dispensers due to no consulting fee charged on consumers. And the answers was "no".

CMIC board meeting was held in Sydney to discuss the position on CMBA's draft guideline for safe Chinese medicine practice together with decisions on the plan for AGM 2014.

CMIC lodge official submission on the public consultation for the draft guideline for safe Chinese medicine practice in Australia.

Ms Debra Gillick,CMBA Executive officer was invited by CMIC and attended a CMIC-CMBA joint meeting in Sydney addressing some major concerns from the industry for the proposed guideline for safe Chinese medicine practice,especially in terms of nomenclature in writing prescription,labelling requirement for dispensing,etc.

CMIC board meeting was held for directorship matters,new appointment,and upcoming AGM and CPD seminar.

From 9:00 am to 10:00 pm,CPD seminar,AGM,Debate Height Increasing Shoes on TCM issues and celebrating moon cake festive and 5th anniversary of CMIC.

CMIC submitted its feedback to CITES on their proposal and suggests deleting XI YANG SHEN,TIAN MA,SHI HU.

CMIC write to CMBA for the Chinese version of SUSMP for the term of Mu Fang Ji,Changpu,and suggest CMBA to initiate a move to the matter of scheduled herbs of MA HUANG ,FU ZI,XI XIN,KUAN DONG HUA,LUO BU MA,KU LIAN PI,HUA MA REN.

Board meeting on TGA consultation paper for coded indication of listed medicines.

CMIC lodge its submission on coded indication reform plan.

CMIC CPD course on Chinese herbal medicines held in SITCM.

CMIC lodged its submission on scheduling review and suggesting ACCM should be included as an advisor for plant scheduling.

After liaising with the insurance company,further notified members that Insurance House Group as a Professional Indemnity Cover provider who provide the cover of the new modality of Chinese herbal dispenser.

On behalf of CMIC,max ma attended the stakeholders forum on scheduling review held by the Scheduling Review Taskforce ,Office of Chemical Safety / Office of Health Protection ,Department of Health and Ageing.

Writes to TGA requesting a straightforward/specific figure of standard for heavy metals and pesticide residue for CHM and Chinese herbs in Australia.

Received TGA reply for the standard of heavy metal and pesticide that referred to the general monograph BP /Eur P for herbal material and ARGCM Part 3 (View) parts 4.5 and 4.6 for listed medicines.

CMIC lodged a consultation response as invited by CITES Australia for Rhino horn.

CMIC board meeting decided to initiate a move for a submission on scheduled herbs via broad consultation from a summit meeting together with AGM 2013 and CPD course to be held on 20 Sept 2013.

CMIC board meeting reviewed the progress of the preparation of summit and agreed with the draft proposal of rescheduling plan for summit discussion.

CMIC summit meeting on scheduled herbs,AGM and CPD course held from 1:00 pm to 10 pm at Auburn RSL club.

CMIC reps participate the celebration on Pro Alan Bensoussan for his achievement as recognised global impact person on the research and practice of Chinese medicine with the international award by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.

Sept 2012 to Sept 2013
Max Ma actively involved as a member of the Australia mirror committee (HE031) for the international standard Drafting & Assessment of TCM (TC249).

On behalf of CMIC,max ma was invited to attend the annual conference of ASMI.

TGA- CMIC consultation meeting was held in Sydney for the proposed change on coded indications.

On behalf of CMIC,the president wrote emails to CMBA expressing some concerns and seeks clarification for the National Registration Standard of Chinese Herbal Dispensers.

Lodged submission to the Chinese Medicine Board of Victoria regarding the Draft Guidelines on Scheduled herb training.

CMIC lodge a submission for PILLs new standard in TGO78,focusing on the unique dosage form in Chinese medicine,stressing it is different to the dosage form of tablets and requires different standard such as "limit of disintegration time".

Lodged submission to the Chinese Medicine Board of Victoria for the "draft policy on general registration in the division of Chinese herbal dispenser".

Two times of Directors Tele-meeting were held with related members and stakeholders discussing the concerns and issues for the proposed reform for evidence change for listed products.

Welcomes AQIS's move to relax the restriction in the importation of Wu Ling Zhi,etc,and the president received interviews by the Daily Telegraph and ABC radio.

Directors tele-meeting held finalising some important issues related to the industry.

CMIC lodged submission to TGA regarding the proposed change for evidence required for listed medicines.

CMIC lodged its Submission for TGA Medicine labelling and Packaging Review Consultation Paper (MLAPRCP).

CMIC held "the Australian National Forum of Chinese herbal dispensers and Chinese medicine suppliers" at Auburn,Sydney. Representatives from CMBA /ARPRA,NSW Chinese medicine council,AACMA,FCMA NSW,AUCMP,UTS,UWS,University of Sydney,SITCM and CMIC made their informative and practical speech,followed by the AGM.

CMIC held meeting with the research team headed by Prof Kelvin Chan,Join Chair of Chinese medicine unit of University of Western Sydney and the University of Sydney,for the proposed research program of survey of Australian Chinese medicine supply.

CMIC lodged submission to TGA regarding the proposed change for evidence required for listed medicines (round 2).

CMIC board meeting held at 125 Rowe St,Eastwood,NSW deciding the formation and the appointment for five working groups to better promote the business of CMIC during the new term.

CMIC released its revised constitution in line with the resolution passed from the AGM on 16/9/12.

As a representative of CMIC,max ma attended the ASMI conference in Olympic park.

Max Ma write an email to TGA clarify the issue of Prunus spp. (tao ren,xing ren,wu mei) and request to view the current restrictive policy on listed herbal medicine that contain such ingredient(s).

Max Ma writes a letter to ATO for the application of a concession charity status for CMIC.

CMIC received the declined decision from ATO for the tax concession due to no evidence showing that CMIC is exclusively for the interest of public or poverty.

CITES seek consultation from CMIC on the proposed change on appendix on Australian species.

Directors meeting in SITCM discussing the matter of Chinese medicine standardization (ISO/TC249) ,Max Ma was appointed as the member of Australian Mirror Committee (HE031) for ISO/TC249. Also,manufacturer's burden in auditing fees from TGA was discussed and agreed the frequency of auditing to be extended to 3-5 years for low risked medicine should be recommended.

CMIC Lodged submission to the Chinese Medicine Board of Victoria regarding the Draft Guidelines on Scheduled herb training.

Lodge a submission to NRAS 2010 Project Team for the formation of Chinese Medicine Board of Australia.

Lodged submission to the Chinese Medicine Board of Victoria for the "draft policy on general registration in the division of Chinese herbal dispenser".

President Max Ma visited AQIS and CITES in Canberra,exchanged the views and raised some concerns on major issues from the industry.

Directors meeting in Shuxiang fang Spacy restaurant reviewing the past business and discussing current affairs and issues.

Lodged submission on the National Mandatory Registration Standards and the Grandparenting Arrangements.

Held "Australian Chinese Medicine Development and Chinese Herbal Dispensary Registration Forum" in Sydney,from where AQIS representatives -Ms Sophie Angus (plant operation),Mr Andrew Lieschke and Ms Jo Haley (Animal Division),CMBA Executive Officer Ms Debra Gillick,and Ms Nina Thappa,Director of CITES and its Policy officer Ms Melina Pearce ,Ms Judy James,CEO of AACMA gave their speeches.

Discussed and confirmed with Dr George Li,Chinese herbal medicine researcher of the University of Sydney,for the CMIC encouraged direction of a research program in prohibited and restricted Chinese herbs with toxic issues in Australia,aiming to provide evidence based consultation to the government to better manage the current practice,and in turn to benefit the public patient.

Max Ma JP and Dr Danform Lim JP held several meetings regarding to the management structure of CMIC as well as to discuss on the formation of various committees within CMIC.

CMIC Honorary,scientific and business affairs advisory committees were formed.

CMIC establishment luncheon and press conference were held in Sydney.

CMIC response for the imbalanced and misled media report of lethal warning on CHM.

CMIC participated the TCM forum for CHM standardization in UTS and raised the major issues that have been effected the industry.

CMIC lodged 2nd submission to TGA on licorice issue.

CMIC established a direct relationship with CITES senior officers.

CMIC joined the panel discussion on CHM regulatory and standardization issues at AACMAC 2010 Adelaide.

CMIC established a formal relationship with ASMI via a meeting with the Regulatory and technical Manger Dr Ruth Kendon.

CMIC lodged 3rd submission to TGA for excipients change in ATRG listing fee issue.

2nd CMIC and ASMI senior level meetings was held in ASMI's office in North Sydney.

CMIC first AGM held.

Celebrating the Yan Emperor's birthday,promothing the scheme of "Emerging Chinese Herbs into Life".

CMIC received TGA's final decision for the managing solution for the species of Carthumas tinctorius flower (Hong Hua). This is a good move from the government and a good example of a successful lobby done by CMIC via evidence-based research. It's a significant and positive impact to both of the industry and the public.

Max Ma JP and Judy James (CEO of AACMA) held a meeting with OCM of TGA in Canberra,expressed the strong concerns from the industry on recent proposed recall and restriction of Carthurmas flower contained herbal medicines; On the same day,visited CHC in Canberra and exchanged views with Dr Wendy Morrow on common issues that effected the industry.

CMIC was officially formed via passing the constitution from the members conference.

Registration was proved and granted by ASIC as a non-profitable organization.

CMIC lodged the first submission to TGA for the position on Carthumas flower issue.

CMIC board meeting was held for their business plan guidelines and directors' role were assigned.